Hi, I'm Ali Almalki 👋🏻

“If you cannot do great things, do small things in a great way.”

- Napoleon Hill

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My Personal Blog 👈🏻

Here you will find me sharing stories from my own life experiences. I write pretty much about anything that comes to my mind in the hope of delivering a meaningful message/lesson behind it.📝


MSc Data Science Graduate from the University of Bristol.

I always seek to be a better version of myself than I were yesterday and more importantly I strive to help others who are in need because I find it the most satisfying feeling in the world.

I keep busy learning and building machine learning (ML) projects to solve a wide range of problems.


Data Scientist : Download Resume

  • Scikit-Learn
  • TensorFlow
  • Pandas
  • NumPy
  • Matplotlib
  • Amazon Web Services (AWS)
  • Git version control
  • Linux
  • Tableau
  • SQL


- Neural Networks and Deep Learning: View Certificate

- AWS Certified Cloud Practitioner: View Badge

- Natural Language Processing with Classification and Vector Spaces: View Certificate

- Tableau Training for Data Science: View Certificate

- Data Analyst with SQL Server Track: View Certificate


- Dr Zahraa Abdallah: View Letter

- Professor Rabeeh Abbasi: View Letter

University Courseworks

(Note: Complete Reports and Code Are Available Upon Request.)

Technology, Innovation, Business, and Society (TIBS) Module

A comparative review for two books that were written in a similar style found in magazines or journals.

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Software Development: Programming and Algorithms (SDPA) Module

Comprehensive coursework consists of three main parts: Software Development, Algorithm Analysis and Data Analytics.

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Large-Scale Data Engineering (LSDE) Module

Architected a scaling application on AWS cloud and addressed my whole implementation in a comprehensive written report.

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Visual Analytics (VA) Module

Applied the knowledge gained in the unit to implement a whole lifecycle of carrying out a full visual analytics project.

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Text Analytics (TA) Module

Developed a text analytics system for extracting entities from scientific documents abstracts and semantic relations.

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Introduction to Artificial Intelligence (AI) Module

Built a regression model to predict the amount of nitrous oxide emitted, given values on other sensors in a given dataset.

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Data Science Mini-Project (DSMP) Module

Given synthetic datasets provided by Lloyds Banking Group (LBG) containing bank transactional data that is very similar to real-world data, I collaborated with my group members to develop an exploratory data analysis on these datasets to help answer several compelling questions that could reveal useful insights for LBG decision-makers.

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Data Science Dissertation Project

Examined the value of both text and a social network structure for an automated misinformation detection system. The main research question that I explored in my thesis – is misinformation better detected using text, or can the social network graph structure itself be a better detector?

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Undergraduate Senior Project

Developed with my classmate a web analytical tool to enable users to collect tweets regarding Saudi universities either by User ID or by starting a real-time crawl in the backend. After collecting the data, the user can choose from our app menu to analyse the collected data in various techniques and informative visualisations.

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My Personal Projects

Heart Disease Classification

Trained various classification algorithms to predict whether or not a person has heart disease based on other features.

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Skim Literature (SkimLit) 📜

In this project, I replicated the deep learning model behind the 2017 paper PubMed 200k RCT: a Dataset for Sequential Sentence Classification in Medical Abstracts and adding further modelling experiments on my own.

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Medical Insurance Cost Prediction

Built a neural network regression predictive modelling with TensorFlow to predict the medical insurance charges for a person given other feature variables.

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My Hobbies


Participated in the full bristol run series organised by the University of Bristol which includes three separated runs and received a medal set for completing the series #BristolUniRun


I had a tandem skydive back in December 2019 and it was the most joyful experience I have ever had in my entire life. One day I will become a qualified solo skydiver. That's my life dream!!


Tried a discovery dive and endured a great feeling where all I can only hear is my breath in a quiet underwater world. From there I decided to dive more and now I am a Certified SDI Open Water Scuba Diver.

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Playing Piano

I am a novice pianist and I enjoy so much learning and playing the pieces of music that I love.

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Boxing is one of the activities that I do occasionally. I find it a great sport since it brightens up my mood and enables me to stay fit.